jiangsu longchang chemical co., ltd.-凯发k8一触即发

technology first, quality first

mainly engaged in the production of aromatic chlorides and
inorganic supramolecular soil remediation materials




after ten years of training and building, the company has formed a rich cultural accumulation and constructed the company's cultural triple structure. clarified the company's vision: to become a world-class chloride resource and environmentally friendly enterprise; company mission: to make clear water and blue sky no longer a dream; corporate spirit: diligence, frugality, truth-seeking, unity and innovation; corporate strategic goal: to become a leader in technology and management , leading peers, domestic first, world-class famous enterprises.
the company adheres to the five concepts of innovation, coordination, greenness, openness and sharing, and puts safety and environmental protection in the first place. the company attaches great importance to the interests of employees, customers and other related parties, actively supports social welfare undertakings, arranges employment for the disabled, and donates funds to build nursing homes. organize all employees to travel and visit every year to broaden their horizons and understand the wonderful world outside; organize regular employee seminars to recall longchang's development process and look forward to the future, so that everyone can discover their self-worth, and continuously improve the quality of employees through various means.

scientific and technological achievements appraisal meeting

a group photo of academician zheng lansun, professor zheng nanfeng and the chairman of the company she daocai

academician zheng lansun attended the naming ceremony of the company's lei feng assaulter

group photo of academician zheng lansun and general manager she weimin

changjiang scholar and professor nanfeng zheng of xiamen university participated in the company's scientific research conference

academician zheng lansun and professor zheng nanfeng went to the company to participate in the scientific and technological achievement awards conference


jiangsu longchang chemical co., ltd.

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